Plant Facility Levy
Coming soon.
McCain Middle School Roof
Summer 2019
A bond was passed to build the McCain Middle School in 2002. The middle school was constructed in 2003 and occupied by students in January 2004. The roofing material used for the MMS roof was the same material purchased by other building owners in Payette in 2003. The lining of the roofing material was defective and began leaking almost immediately not only at MMS but also the other buildings across the State. The roof was under contractor and material manufacturer warranties and was repaired under those warranties for the first 10 years. After that time, the material manufacturer went out of business and the district was left to pay for the roofing repairs.
With the passage of a facilities bond in 2017, the Board of Trustees approved a bid process and ultimately selected Signature Roofing to replace the now 16 year old roofing material. During the 2019 summer, Signature Roofing removed the old material, repaired the water damage to the roof and building and replaced the roofing material. The total cost of the replacement was $378,381.06. The roof has a 1 year contractor warranty and a 20 year material warranty. The material manufacturer has a long reputation of standing behind their work. Failure of the product is not expected however, should it occur, the stability of the company is deemed sufficient by our architect, other Idaho businesses (Boise State University, Marriott Residence Inn, Idaho Department of Corrects, Kendall Ford of Meridian to name a few) and the Better Business Bureau to honor the 20 year warranty..